My Ex-Girlfriend and Her New Guy

This is quite a long story but I want everybody to know that every single word of it is true (apart from the name of the other guy involved just in case it breaks any rule to name him). It's so long because I haven't left a single part out and if I'm being completely honest, it's a story I love and I'm stoked to share it with so many people. I've broken it down into different small chapters which will hopefully make it easier to read.

If you have any questions about it then I'll be happy to answer because like I said, I love this story!


My name is Jordan. I'm 19 and I'm from England. My girlfriend's name was Stacey and we probably weren't good for eachother (our relationship lasted 8 months but we used to split up every 2 weeks or so).

What kept bringing us back together was the sex. She was incredible in bed (and on the floor and in the car and outside, anywhere really). She didn't have any limits and would do absolutely anything. Any time we split up, I couldn't even think about fucking another girl because I knew she wouldn't be anything like Stacey - big tits, great body, a goddess pussy, amazing ass and she would do EV-ERY-THING.

She always said I was the best she ever had too. I have quite a well built body, I'm not fully ripped or anything but I'm a little bit muscular and I have a big dick. It's 8.4 inches long and 6 inches round. Even when I'm not hard my dick is over 5 inches long and that's something Stacey said she always loved about me. Plus the fact I could make her scream and I lasted a very, very long time in bed. Whatever the opposite of premature ejaculation is, that's me ha!

I don't want to say she was dirty because that sounds like I'm calling her slutty but she always had these great kinky ideas. The best one was one she called "Naked Weekend" and it's probably quite obvious what that involves. Her parents would often go away to their holiday home for the weekend, so Stacey would invite me round and the rules were always the same:

1: Arrive at her house on Friday night. She would answer the door naked except for a coat. I would have to walk through the door and strip naked right there in the hallway. She would take her coat off and we would both be naked until Sunday night.

2: The only exception to the 'naked rule' was whenever we ordered food to be delivered or if someone called at the door. Stacey could put her coat on and answer the door. Apart from that she had to be naked at all times and there was NEVER an exception for me to be naked.

3: We'd obviously fuck as often as we could but it wasn't just that. We'd shower together, watch TV together, eat food together etc. Naked the entire time.

I know she had "Naked Weekends" with her previous boyfriends but she always said the ones with me were the best. She probably said that to everyone but I don't really care. I had 4 Naked Weekends with her and they were always fucking epic. They're probably the reason I couldn't even think about getting with another girl because they'd never match up to those weekends.


We used to split up all the time because we were always arguing. We'd have the best make-up sex ever and then about 2 weeks later we'd split up again. We didn't really go out together with friends and didn't really have much in common, we were both just addicted to the sex.

So anyway we broke up for the billionth time but this time she said it was for real. She had said that before so I didn't really pay much attention to it but a few weeks later I heard a rumour she was meeting up with another guy. I didn't say anything to her about what I'd heard, I just invited her round to mine for make-up sex as usual but she said no and eventually told me she had met someone else and that we were finally finished.

I still expected her to change her mind but the longer it went on, the more it was obvious there was no way back.


Probably about 3 weeks after I'd first heard the rumours about Stacey getting a new guy, I got a random message from a stranger on Facebook. I have copied and pasted his exact words below:

"might want to think about moving the fuck on and leaving my girl alone or else"

His name was Jamie. I clicked on his profile and there were a few pictures of him with Stacey having drinks and having dinner etc so it was obvious he was the new guy. This is the conversation that unfolded between us on Facebook (copied and pasted word for word):

Me: And who the fuck are you? I've known her for times mate so enjoy it while it lasts but get the fuck out of my inbox ya skinny waste.

Him: Lolololol try not to be too jealous.

Me: Of you? Mate you're the one inboxing me so you're the one with the problem.

Him: yeah my problem is you begging my girl to get back with her Lolololol go suck your mum.

Me: Begging? I don't have to beg, she always comes back. We both know she's mine.

Him: nah well "your girl" says youre old news now leave her the fuck alone before i snap your jaw.

I didn't reply to that because I was too busy trying to find out where he lived so I could see how brave he really was to be dishing out threats like that. It turns out he lived something like 40 miles away so it wasn't like I could just walk up to his door. I decided not to respond because I could end up saying something I'd regret and he'd obviously show it to Stacey.


A week later (on a Thursday), I get another Facebook message from him. Here it is word for word again:

"try not to be too jealous of mine and staceys naked weekend mate, think you know what youre missing out on but try having a wank while im banging "your girl" Lololol"

I tried my best not to reply but about 3 hours later I couldn't help it:

Me: Why are you even in my inbox again? You're lucky you don't live near here because you'd fucking regret every single word you've said to me.

Him: Lolololol oh im sooooo scared

Again, I didn't reply because no matter what I said, it wouldn't look good to Stacey.

The following day, I was at work and during my break I got a Facebook notification. It was a picture of Jamie and Stacey and even though you couldn't see anything, they were obviously naked. It was just a head and shoulders shot but it was obvious. They had "checked into NW" (which obviously meant Naked Weekend) and the post said:

"All set for the weekend of our lives. Try not to be too jealous Jordan and we'll see you all on the other side."

I flipped. I actually wanted to go round to her house and beat his ass in front of her. I actually think I would have done it if I wasn't in work but I did leave a comment:

"Why tag me? Why not just get the fuck on with your own sad lives"

To which Jamie replied:

"enjoy your wank mate"

I'm not joking, if I didn't have to finish my shift in work I would have gone round there and dealt with him. I actually almost smashed my phone off the wall.


Six hours later (at 11pm) I finished work and when I picked up my phone I had 16 missed calls from Stacey. Fucking sixteen! I wasn't going to subject myself to the sound of them fucking down the phone so I had zero intention of calling her back. Then my phone rang again. Again it was Stacey and again I ignored it.

As I was leaving work I got a message from her. Here is an exact word for word copy and paste of the conversation we had. Sorry it's a bit long but I don't want to leave a single thing out of this story.

Stacey: answer

Me: Think I'll pass.

(Within seconds of me sending that, she rang again but I ignored it again. So she messaged again)

Stacey: jordan answer i'm serious

Me: Why tell me here?

Stacey: can you come round?

Me: Why?

Stacey: can you just?

Me: No tell me why.

Stacey: Because this is shit i keep pretending to him i need to pee so i can ring you

Me: What are you on about?

(Another call from her which I again ignored)

Stacey: he has no cock

Me: What?

Stacey: his cock is tiny fucking tiny can you please just come round?

Me: And what the fuck do you expect me to do make his dick bigger?

Stacey: threesome

Me: Fuck off Stace.

Stacey: please jordan i'm serious just come round

Me: Not interested. I'd fuck you but not with him there.

Stacey: theres no trains


Stacey: for him to go home theres no trains. he's supposed to go home on sunday but i'll tell him in the morning.

Me: Then I'll call up when he's gone.

Stacey: no please just come now

Me: I'm not doing anything with him involved so stop asking.

Stacey: please jordan we can make it all just about us

Me: What you mean?

Stacey: i'll ignore him it will just be us

Me: You want me to fuck you while he watches? Not into that shit, I'll come over tomorrow when he's gone. Enjoy the rest of your night while I have my "wank".

Stacey: please jordan he cant do anything his cocks tiny we did it when he arrived and i didn't feel it

Me: Should have thought about that before inviting him down then shouldn't you?

Stacey: i didnt know it was that small this is our first time. if i knew it was that small i wouldnt have.

Me: Unlucky for you then.

Stacey: please jordan his cock hard is smaller than yours on flop i cant

Me: Really?

Stacey: yes i swear

It was at this point that I came round to the idea of the threesome I had been so opposed to about a minute earlier. That little shit had tried playing the big man to me on Facebook and this was the perfect opportunity to shut him the fuck up. So I replied to Stacey:

Me: Right I'll do it but don't tell him.

Stacey: think he might notice jordan hahahaha

Me: No I mean don't tell him I'm coming round. Just answer the door to me and I'll come in and freak him the fuck out.

Stacey: Hahaha that's so cruel and evil i love it

Me: Give me 20 mins

Stacey: ok were watching a film anyway


Annoyingly most of that conversation happened when I was in a taxi home from work which meant I was further away from Stacey's house than I was at the start, so it took me about half an hour to walk to her house.

I knocked on the door and a few seconds later she answered, naked except for the famous coat. Before I could start getting undressed, she walked me into the living room where she and Jamie were watching a film.

Jamie was sitting on the sofa naked. I don't know who he was expecting to be at the door but he certainly wasn't expecting them to walk into the living room and he definitely wasn't expecting it to be me!

As soon as he saw me, he sort of shifted his legs towards a cushion so that his dick couldn't be seen. He was trying to play it cool but it was obvious he didn't want me to see his dick.

I just said "Alright?" to him but before he could reply, Stace announced "This is Jordan, he's here for a threesome" and I saw a bit of panic in his face. He knew he couldn't make a big deal of it with me standing there in front of them so he just sort of mumbled "Right".

Stace walked me out of the living room and down to the bedroom. As soon as we got in the door, she threw herself at me and we kissed. She pulled away from the kiss and said "Leave your clothes in here and then come into the living room."

While I was getting undressed, I could hear a sort of murmur from the living room. I have since found out that Jamie had lost his cool and told Stacey to send me home but she told him they were having a threesome and that was that.

When I was naked, I walked into the living room and the first thing I noticed was his reaction to my dick. I saw in his eyes that he knew he was in trouble. I still couldn't see his because of the way he was sitting (legs sort of crossed and body half turned away) but it was obvious he was intimidated by the 5 floppy inches I had dangling.

Stacey was sat on a one-seater sofa so the only space for me was beside Jamie and I was happy to sit there firstly to make sure he got a good look at my dick and so that I could get closer to seeing how small his was.

They were watching The Wolf Of Wall Street so I just sat beside him and started watching too. I swear I could hear Jamie's heart beating and he looked so fucking nervous to be sat there beside me. He had acted like the big man to me from the safety of Facebook and then all of a sudden he found himself naked beside me, helpless about the fact that (despite being a year older than me) I clearly had more muscle than his skinny body and obviously had a much, much bigger dick even though the entire time we were there, he made sure his was never in view.

We were sat there for maybe 20 minutes or so until the film ended. Stacey got up from her seat and, casual as anything, just said "OK, let's do this" and headed towards the door.

I purposely stayed in my seat. I wanted him to have to get up first because there was no way he could keep his dick hidden unless he literally walked to the bedroom with his hands covering it up.

It took him a second or two but he obviously realised he was going to have to move, so he lifted himself up out of the seat and for the very first time I saw his dick.

That thing was fucking tiny. I'm not joking or exaggerating when I say my 8 year old brother's was bigger. It was maybe an inch long and very, very, very skinny, like a kid's dick. He had very small balls too but they were still bigger than his dick. As he got up and walked across my path of view, he didn't make eye contact with me. He sort of tried to point his body away from me but he knew it was too late, I'd seen it and he knew it.

So I got up and walked behind him as he followed Stacey out of the room. Apart from the "Alright?" when I'd first come in, I hadn't said a single word to him the whole time I'd been there but as we walked down the hallway towards the bedroom, I nudged him on the shoulder and (without Stacey noticing) I motioned down towards his tiny, shrivelled babydick and then down to my thick flopper. He broke off eye contact immediately. My dick swung as I walked, his didn't move at all, just poking out at the top of his small balls.

The fact he had shaved his pubes made him look even more of a kid down there. I usually shave mine but because it had been around 5 weeks since me and Stacey broke up, I hadn't shaved in a while so I had a bit of a bush going on which again just made me look and feel more manly standing beside him.


When we got into the room, Stacey walked us both over to the bed and then kissed us both. Him first, then me (which pissed me off a little bit). She then picked up a condom from the side of the bed, gave it to Jamie and said "you first". Again I was annoyed because this isn't what I'd been promised. She had specifically said she was going to "ignore" him but it turned out she had a plan all along.

She played with his balls a little bit and (using one finger and thumb) stroked his dick to get him hard. She wasn't joking when she said he didn't even measure up to me when my dick was soft. With an erection his dick looked like a finger. He would be lucky if that shit was 3 inches and it was still very, very skinny. In fact it was so skinny that when he put the condom on he didn't fill it and it was very clearly a bit loose. This wasn't an XL condom or anything like that, just a normal one and his tiny dick was still too small for it.

Stacey kissed me then lay down on the bed ready for Jamie to fuck her. He got on top of her, poked around with his hand to get his dick inside her and went at it.

I had been silent the whole time but I decided this was where I was really going to wind him up. I put my dick across Stacey's face so that he'd get a good close up look at it every time he pushed forward. It would also prevent him from kissing her unless he wanted to tongue my floppy dick in the process.

So Stacey is licking my dick and playing with my balls and then all of a sudden that was it. He was done. He had cum inside about 45 seconds and Stacey had been lying there completely silent the whole time. I could tell she hadn't felt a fucking thing.

She just sort of brushes him off and keeps sucking on my bellend and fingering my balls until I'm hard. Now all of a sudden Jamie's sitting there with his shrivelled dick inside a loose condom while my 8+ inches are on show right in front of him.

Obviously I don't remember the exact order of everything me and Stacey did, but we did a lot of things in a lot of positions. The one thing I do remember clearly was the scream of joy she gave when she felt my dick slide inside her. I'm guessing Jamie hears that sound in his nightmares.

Every now and then, he would try to get her attention but she'd either just give him a quick kiss or ignore him completely. Not that I was keeping track of the time but not long after I started fucking her, I noticed that the clock beside the bed said 1.05am. I also know for a fact we were still fucking at 2.45am. Slightly longer than he had managed.

She had been screaming for so long, the sweat was pouring off both of us and the sheets on the bed were soaked. Jamie had tried to get Stacey to suck his dick at one point but again she just ignored him which meant he basically spent nearly 2 hours watching "his" girl get fucked by me and there was nothing he could do about it.

Eventually Stacey told me she couldn't take anymore and asked me to finish as quickly as I could. So I banged and banged and banged as hard as I could. When I knew I was about to cum, I made a split-second decision that I'm so, so happy with. I pulled out of Stacey and shot my load across her stomach, tits and face as well as a bit of the bed. I then quickly turned her over and finished off on her ass and back.

I had never planned to do any of that but in the moment it just hit me that I wanted Jamie to see "his" girl drenched in my load. She loved it and I could tell from the look on his face that he was pissed.


Probably the weirdest part of the story is that all three of us slept in the same bed together naked. I didn't get much sleep because we didn't finish until after 3am and I had to be up for work at 8am. I got up, got dressed and said goodbye to both of them, making sure Jamie saw me give a little nod towards his stubby 1 incher.

I'm actually annoyed with myself that I didn't stay to hear Stacey explain to him that their Naked Weekend was over and that she was sending him home. I would have loved to have seen his face and, even better, I would have loved to have been sat there with my dick on show as he came to terms with what was happening.

So she sent him home and after work, I went back round to her house and we had a Naked 24 Hours together until her parents came back.

Stacey and I stayed together for a month or two and then split up again but got back together again and the cycle continues. At this exact minute in time we're together but we'll probably have split up by the time anyone reads this!

As for Jamie, he received no less than 5 Snapchat pictures/videos of me and Stacey together on the Saturday night and he didn't reply to any of them.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I do and let me promise again that every single word of it is true.

If you have any questions or if there's anything that I've not explained properly or that doesn't make sense, please ask away and I'll answer.;area=summary;u=777619


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